Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Importance of Being Earnest paragraph

For my first point I used Algernon's quotes on the unromantic and business like qualities of marriage to show how the social standards and expectation of the time demanded so much self repression regarding love and romance, making the pursuit of pleasure a rule breaking endeavor from the start. i also took the chance to show how Wilde's life experiences provided him with the personal knowledge necessary to portray such an accurate account of Victorian marriage. For my second point i used quotes from both Miss Prism and Chasuble to not only reinforce the business like quality to marriage, but also showing how loveless marriage really is and how that's excepted, or even expected in their society. for my last point i bring up two different quotes, one from Aunt Augusta and one from a conversation between Cecily and Algernon. these quotes allude to the idea that breaking the rules, chasing your passions, and doing all those other things that are taboo, is fun and exciting. the more oppressive and strict the laws of social conduct become, the more exhilarating it is to break them. Being bad is fun. For transitioning into the next paragraph talk about the previously mentioned ways the pursuit of pleasure was portrayed, relating it back to our main overall ideas, and sum up all three point of my paragraph.

Muy importante para mi grupo!

ok so instead of me talking about both marriage and just random things other people say throughout the play, I'm thinking it can be more focused on direct opinions that the characters have, or exact things they say. that way satire of marriage and things like 'behaving well and feeling well are very different things" can go together under the same topic. yeah? good? so then because this topic is about direct quotes while both of yours are about big underlying themes, then i was wondering if i should still be in the middle? whatcha think?